Watch Dogs 2 takes gamers to The Bay Area in San Francisco where they play as a young rebellious hacker named Marcus Holloway. Wrongfully incriminated by CToS 2.0’s crime prediction algorithm, he sets off to join Dedsec and pull off the hacking crime of the century.
TOR collaborated on Ubisoft’s digital campaign by producing homepage wallpapers and animated HTML5 banners. One set of assets were featured on IGN following the trailer’s release, the second, on Twitch’s homepage during E
Project Details
Watch Dogs 2 takes gamers to The Bay Area in San Francisco where they play as a young rebellious hacker named Marcus Holloway. Wrongfully incriminated by CToS 2.0's crime prediction algorithm, he sets off to join Dedsec and pull off the hacking crime of the century.
TAKEOFF Creative collaborated on Ubisoft's digital campaign by producing homepage wallpapers and animated HTML5 banners. One set of assets were featured on IGN following the trailer's release, the second, on Twitch's homepage during E3.